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Nová webstránka Noci s Andersenom na Slovensku - Dokumenty 2023

Tesime sa, ze po 15tich rokoch ma aj Noc s Andersenom na Slovensku
svoj vlastny web. Najdete tam napriklad material na inspiraciu - napady na program.




Invitation for the night with Andersen

Dear Friends of Children's Books,
has it ever occur to you what are books doing during a night after you finish reading the last goodnight fairytale and tuck yourself into a warm bed?

Only once a year can The Little Marmaid, The Ugly Duckling and The Pewter Soldier leave pages of books and experience a magic adventure before the children´s book holiday. The adventures are being prepared in many schools, youth centres, asylums, hospitals, kid´s centres, school and public libraries...

The Night with Andersen will be held on Friday 31rd March 2023

Will you join us?

If you are getting ready for the children´s fairytale reading for the International Day of Children´s Books, please make a registration of your reading place. You can just fill in the registration form

Or you can call: +420 572 551 250, send an e-mail: detske@knihovnabbb.cz or you can send the application via mail:

Knihovna Bedřicha Beneše Buchlovana, Velehradská 714, 686 01 Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic

The organizers of the seventh event for the childrens reading support are:

The Association of Children´s Libraries of SKIP and Association of Library and Information Professional of the Czech Republic

We offer you Statistic message of the Night with Andersen 2010 (.doc)

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